Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sam Broyles and Dan Levinson

Saturday, I hosted a banjo workshop, by Dan Levenson. I just supplied the house and the food. Sam Broyles made it all happen, and brought the cooler of beer.

One student drove up from the far south-end of the state; one drove down from Wyoming.

Dan brought the banjo.

Sam's a telecom architect and bouzouki player, and he puts together concerts for the Black Rose Acoustic Society. Dan's a banjo player and a banjo player, and a banjo player.

I've known Dan for longer than he's known his wife, Jennifer. I've known Sam's wife, Pat, for longer than she's known him.

All day long, the house was filled with music and the smells of cooking. What could be finer?

Dan's beginners' workshops are sometimes called "Meet the Banjo." Meet Dan's banjo.

The tune is John Brown's Dream.

John Brown dreamed.
John Brown dreamed the devil was dead.
Who's gonna marry?
Who's gonna marry Lulu gal?

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