Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sondra Blanchard

Here's Sondra, illustrating another phone-camera setting: night mode.

Both pictures were taken last night, at the Wednesday-night old-timey jam, which I've hosted for the last twenty-five years or so.

Last night, the weather was grim -- on my drive home from work, I was watching the buses in front of me slide around -- so the only other folks who showed up were Sondra, Sandra-Leigh Sprecker, and Hal Landem. Sondra and Sandra-Leigh are both beginners, so Hal and I walked them through Sugar in the Gourd, in an impromptu beginners' workshop.

I also gave Hal three fiddle bows that I picked up in the Hospice Thrift Store for $6 apiece. They'd had their hair clipped off, so he took them home to see if he could figure out how to re-hair them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sondra is nothing more then a narcissistic ass licking slut